Need a easy and uncomplicated Health and Safety Plan? Then HELP IS AT HAND! SafeTech is a Health & Safety company who’s consultant has spent many hours creating plans for farmers, orchardists and other small and medium size businesses. But doing them all individually proved an expensive undertaking for the client.
The solution was to develop a generic Health & Safety Plan, covering all the requirements of the Act but giving the individual PCBU(Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) the ability to tweak the Plan so as to personalise it to their own business, thus making it suitable for EVERYONE.
The SafeTech Health & Safety system provides a policy, a plan and an Introduction where the business can state its name, address, a short description of the work they do and the number of staff employed. All the necessary forms are included, with general workplace hazards noted - and the format of these can be copied allowing the client to identify and register hazards specific to their particular workplace.
All the forms are included (with examples where necessary) allowing a business to personalise each one to suit, including those specific to Worksafe and ACC. To get you started, SafeTech has provided a step by step instruction task checklist in the back of the folder. It has been designed so that after completing the tasks you will have a compliant, operational system up and running in a very short time frame.
Other services offered by SafeTech are staff training, with topics to suit the business needs – including training related to work place bullying, stress management, alcohol and drugs. They offer an annual compliance review of your system as required with the HSW Act 2015, and when you feel you are ready to apply for your ACC discount they will
help get the ball rolling by running through an audit checklist with you.
Using SafeTech you will have a comprehensive, compliant, user-friendly and affordable Health & Safety system up and running quickly and easily.
By taking advantage of the yearly subscription service help is only a phone call away and your system will stay up to date.