Waiotahi Contractors
- Landscape Supplies
- Heavy Haulage
- Sheet Piling
- Quarry Material
- Specialised Transport
- Environmental Works
- Agricultural Projects
- Concrete
- Bridges
- Gabion Walls
- Roading
- Drainage
Waiotahi Contractors Opotiki specialise in supplying quality landscape materials in the Opotiki, Whakatane and Bay of Plenty areas. We also provide large and small contracting services, specialist transport services including heavy haulage, quarry materials and sheet piling services throughout the Bay of Plenty.
We are a local, privatley owned and operated family business with offices in Opotiki, Whakatane, Kawerau and Tauranga. The Waiotahi team are multi-skilled and experienced at delivering high quality contracting services in agricultural, environmental, roading, earthworks and site works.
Give Waiotahi Contractors Opotiki a call for all your concrete and specialist contractor needs today.
Phone 07 315 6580, visit our website or click here to send an email.
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Landscape Supplies
Waiotahi Contractors Opotiki supply landscape supplies that can be picked up or delivered to your site when needed. Our experienced team on site can help with all your landscape supply enquiries from organizing deliveries to ordering the right amount for your project. We supply quality landscape materials for large and small jobs whether it's for a new driveway or garden.
Click here for more information on our Landscape Supply services